Category: Japanese Food

The essentials of Japanese food! Three popular Japanese foods that can be eaten even in America!

Japanese food is getting more popular, along with a growing shift towards healthy thinking. The number of Japanese restaurants is growing, even in America. While the taste is a reason for the popularity, the colorful plating of items that allows for dishes to also be enjoyed visually is another. This time, we hope to introduce […]

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Japanese people didn’t eat meat in the past? The history of Japanese food and roots of why it’s called healthy

Japanese food was registered as a UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Intangible Cultural Heritage in December of 2013. Under UNESCO, it was registered as the traditional dietary culture of the Japanese. Japanese food, making the most of the flavor of its ingredients and allowing diners to enjoy fresh, seasonal flavors, is garnering […]

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The amazing Japanese bento box gains attention overseas

The Japanese bento box has been gaining attention overseas of late. There are actually many different types of bento box, and some well known examples include the luxury bento boxes produced by luxury hotels and restaurants, healthy bento boxes that boast a nutritional balance, diet bento boxes that are low in calories, and homemade bento […]

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